Thursday, July 25, 2013

What I have Learned in Week 2 of Action Research

This week there was a huge push to select an action research topic.  I have learned that there are components that must be considered when selecting a topic.  Working with my site supervisor, we have selected a topic that benefits the students of our school.  My action research study will be on the effect of early intervention on student truancy.  On the high school level, I see an enormous amount of truancy.  Student are losing whole credit hours due to the inability or desire to attend school regularly.  This action research study is designed to improve student school attendance within the 90% rule, thus preventing students from having to follow a Principal’s Plan to make up time missed. The outcome will be practical recommendations and procedures for campus administrations to monitor and intervene to keep attendance within the 90% requirement.  The action research study will benefit every entity in the school, including administrators, teachers and students.  Low student attendance affects the entire school.  Students will benefit when they attend school more regularly and are more productive in the classroom.  The teachers will benefit from solutions to decrease truancy by making a greater impact on student achievement.  Finally, administrators will benefit because the increased performance of students will increase the scores on tests.  Everyone wins when students attend school regularly.


  1. I think this is a great idea, Billie. It is hard to believe that teenagers cannot understand cause and effect when it comes to their schoolwork. Retaking credit hours because you missed seems like a huge waste of time. As a school board member it is fascinating to see the attendance data at the different levels. Attendance is best at the elementary level, but so is parental support, any connection? I'll be following you to see how it works. Yep, everybody wins when kids come to school!

  2. Awesome topic. The sad thing is that I find myself having to deal with truancy issues with some of my students and they are in fourth grade! I'm curious to see what your recommendations will be to increase student attendance. Hopefully through your research, I can share ideas for my own campus. Good Luck!

  3. I am excited to see what intervention strategies you use to get kids to comply with attendance expectations. My school has a paid position that works to solve truancy issues and we still have a huge issue. I am working to increase school/home contact. I am now curious to see how that will impact attendance as well!
